Some of the flock ...

spring lambs

Spring lambs waiting for mom to come back

sheep in late summer

Some of the flock in late summer

Our Rams ...

moorit Bond ram

Starbuck, a yearling pure Bond ram

spotted Corriedale ram

Kermit, our spotted black, grey and dark brown Corriedale ram

brown and silver Corriedale X Bond

Virgil, a yearling brown and silver Corriedale X Bond

moorit Australian Bond rams

Here are Nimbus and James, our moorit Australian Bond rams

livestock guardian dogs

Our protectors...Badger and Marley, out with the sheep.

Boo and Lilly: born March, 1989 litter mates they spent their lives together until August,1999.

We couldn't be here in the mountains without our Great Pyrenees protecting our farm and flock from cougars, bears, coyotes and rattle snakes. The very best of great large dogs...they are never afraid and always ready to protect.

If you have any questions you can e-mail to Joanna & Keith Gleason at or call us at 303-823-0837. [an error occurred while processing this directive]