Rock-hammer drill |
We have put off some of the fencing, debating how would be the best way to go over cliffs and large rocks. A rock-hammer drill, with 1.5 inch X 24 inch carbide bit is essential. This makes a hole in the granite so that a t-post can be pounded into the rock.Five wire or six wire (barbed or slick) would have been the easiest thing to use, but sheep, dogs and predators go right through. Not of much use in a fence. Its true that the fence ended up being a little short in some areas, but given that a cougar can easily jump a six foot fence, caring a 200 pound ewe, there isn't much hope of keeping ALL predators out anyway. The main thing is to set some boundaries for the sheep and guardian dogs, who tend not to jump fences. |
We have been lucky this fall and winter in as much as the rain and snow have continued at near normal amounts. Recent snows have been sufficiently heavy so that for the first time in years we have an "above average" snow-pack in the mountains above 8000 feet.The little river has been running now all winter, and with every snow the seeps and runoff increase. This is a spring across the river from the fence line we have been working on. Fencing is hard going, but at least the scenery is beautiful! |
The puppies are one year old, and now that the ewes are out of their breeding groups and back altogether, they have settled back into their habit of guarding very closely. Splitting the flock was confusing for them, but they seem to have overcome whatever problem that caused. We continue to be pleased with their work as a part of the pack and as the main guardians for the ewe flock. |
The Pack: (from left to right) Badger, Marley, Cracker, and Jack
Come for a visit when you have the time!
Joanna & Keith
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