Their dams have proved to be quite a bad thing after all. When there is little water flow and low water, the dam restricts what flow there might have been. Over the years of drought this has created a bog of willow thickets and poison hemlock. The river (or creek) had become completely choked.
Opening the dam |
Water flowing in original channel |
In late May there was another grass fire fairly close to the farm. At that time the fire danger was posted as "moderate" and one of our oblivious neighbors burned trash on a high wind day. "What WAS he thinking" ... the answer: he wasn't. |
This has proved be yet another dry year with hay scarce. The hay farmers with barns have taken to hoarding, hoping to wait everyone out, then force us all to pay $7 to $9 per small bale. For those who are lucky enough to buy hay by the ton and think in hay-tons, this is equal to $250 - $325 per ton. We were forced to buy hay trucked in from southern Minnesota. Not the thing we wanted to do, to say the least. The quality is poor, and not the varieties of grass the sheep are used to eating. Its not going to be a happy winter for the sheep. We supplement with alfalfa pellets, but the answer is rain and growing grass. It seems these are gone from this part of the country and not inclined to return?
Keith moving the large bales of Minnesota hay
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