Here is a quick list of wool and wool products that we sell.

Please e-mail your questions about fleeces, wool, sheep, or our other items, payment and shipping to Joanna & Keith Gleason at or call 303.823.0837

Payment can be made by sending your check to
1553 Stagecoach Trail, Lyons, Colorado 80540.

or by using PayPal
Official PayPal Seal

Show Fleeces for Sale

All of our fleeces are covered and well skirted. They range in grade from 1/2 blood to low 1/4 blood and may be white, grey, black, moorit or spotted. We have raw wool almost year round.
For current fleece and roving prices please look at our page here
Fleeces still available.

Breeding Sheep for Sale

We maintain a closed flock and have been certified "free of brucella ovis" since 1989 and do random OPP testing, which has been negative. Purebred Bond rams and Bond ewes are available ... please email with your questions.

Sheep Angel Ornament

"Sheep Angel Ornament" Beginning needle felting kit ...
make two ornaments yourself and learn needle felting [ $30 + shipping at $5.50]
Or purchase this ornament for $18

Hand Spun Yarns

Hand painted or colour blended in carding, hand spun wool yarns for accenting your knitting, weaving or crocheting.
Hand Spun Yarns

Natural Coloured Roving

All of our roving is suitable for hand spinning or felting and is ready for dyeing or over-dyeing.

  • White Bond roving - spinning count 58s - 62s: $26 per Half pound + shipping.
  • Medium Brown Bond roving - spinning count 58s: $26 per Half pound + shipping.
  • Dark Chocolate Brown Bond roving - spinning count 58s: $26 per Half pound + shipping.
  • Near-Black Bond X Corriedale roving - spinning count 58s: $26 per Halfpound + shipping.
  • Tweedie a blend of silver, white, and black Bond X Corriedale - spinning count 58s: $26 per Half pound + shipping.

    * Please note: roving has been shipped out and back to the processor, then washed and carded by the processor. The cost of roving reflects this, plus the "shrink" or loss of weight to lanolin and dust in washing and carding (approximately 65% to 75% yield of clean wool ... this means that a 10 pound grease fleece will yield on average 6 to 8 pounds of clean wool).
    When you buy one pound of roving it is not the same thing as buying one pound of raw, grease fleece. Consider that the time you spend washing and carding the wool does have a monetary value.

New Felted Ornaments

These are the new felted ornaments! An assortment of Pandas, Cats, Bats, Fish, Sheep. Sea Otters, Koalas, Dinosaurs & Bison that are a combination of wet felting and needle felting.

Needle Felted Wall Hangings & Pillows

These are some of the hand dyed wall hangings and pillows that are a combination of wet felting and needle felting.

Hand Spun, Hand Woven Soumak Tapestry

The hand dyed, hand spun, hand woven Soumak tapestries are also for sale. They are framed and ready to hang. The prices vary greatly. Please email for specific tapestry information.
Tapestry Gallery

Please e-mail your questions about payment and shipping to Joanna & Keith Gleason at
or call 303.823.0837 [an error occurred while processing this directive]